The Significance of DME Billing and Ways to make it More Consistent and Efficient
Durable Medical Equipment billing is challenging procedure as it entails to have know how about code claims, requirements bill and submission of claims. Wrong billing is either due to lack of knowledge or as a fraudulent attempt to make money.
Effective DME Billing Support- Step by step guidelines
Ways to Streamline DME Billing
Streamlining the DME support a lot in better reimbursement. It is guarantee of having right check and balance in hospitals. It is also a sign of having consistent prior authorization and a comprehensive accounts receivable process
Ensure Correct Documentation
Accuracy of DME billing depends on accuracy of submission of claims. For instance, when the HCPCS code ends in 99, it a sign to furnish required supporting documents to get the claim. Otherwise, the insurance company will suspend the claim and it will end in needless delays. It helps to dial up the provider for a helps insurance companies to stay updated with the latest change in provider requirements to adhere to the same
Establish Medical Necessity
As per DME coverage guidelines, it is mandatory to show that the need is for a medical necessity. This will help to establish that the equipment is needed to assist in the treatment of their diagnosed medical condition. Local Coverage Determinations are a set of guidelines that help to identify the need for DME items. As a DME biller you need to be fully aware of the specific LCDs for your area to ensure claims reimbursements in first submissions.
Proper Prior-Authorization Process
A comprehensive eligibility verification and authorization process can make DME reimbursements easier. To ensure DME is to have a prior-authorization technology. To work better is to integrate electronic prior authorization tool with EMR which will upgrade and expedite prior approvals in a proactive manner. It will help in having a better control over denial management.
A Robust Accounts Receivable Process
Managing present and aging DME billing accounts require a delicate balance. To acquire this balance, you must equip your team with the most advanced DME billing application. The process must be driven by critical metrics such as accurate and timely filing to the fullest. Likewise, you must train your team to understand payer’s prerequisites. This makes recovering aging accounts very easy.
Streamline Your Billing Services
A robust medical billing system has a direct impact on DME billing process. For instance, it support to stay up to date and updated. This will serve as an alert to check for DME billing updates before submitting claims. Besides it helps in keeping tabs on denials, maintaining an inventor, set targets for denial correction etc. When full control is held over these conditions, DME billing process gets directly benefitted.
Impressive tracking record:
If you are an individual practitioner or institution interested in knowing how Medical B&C Hub is objective oriented billing and coding cycle management, complicated procedure coding, electronic filling of claims, patient billing, denial elimination initiative and compliance program operations can turned around your practice.
Get in touch with our experts specializing in cardiology billing and coding at: [email protected]
Why Outsource your Medical Billing to Medical B&C Hub
Out Source your dental Billing Services to Medical Billing & Coding Hub at the lowest rate @2.49% to remove your headache. Our main moto is you take care of your patients and we take care of your billing.
If you’re a growing practice that is frustrated with being at the mercy of the insurance companies and spending precious hours trying to configure proper and accurate dental codes to prevent claim denials, halt the rat race in its tracks!
Why Providers/Practice Manager Choose Medical Billing & Coding Hub – Medical Billing & Coding Hub @ 2.49%
Solo/Small Provider choose Medical Billing & Coding Hub Medical Billing Services due to following reasons.
1. DME Billing Services @ 2.49%
2. DME Credentialing Services @ 150 Dollar each payer
3. Free DMECredentialing Services, if provider have more than 10 payers for above 10 payers credentialing is free.
4. Free Cardiology Re-credentialing services.
5. Free EHR. Services.
6. Free DME Coding services.
7. Free DME Practice Audit services.
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